Thursday, February 18, 2010

Doctor Kathy Brockett

It seems like Groundhog's Day. Papa Matt, Mama Lyanne, and Baby Kara woke up and got ready to go to the doctor again. Today is slightly different! Grandma (嫲嫲) came with us as well. The appointment was with Dr. Kathy Brockett today. Mama Lyanne and Papa Matt were quite impressed with Dr. Brockett, and they really enjoyed her care of baby Kara. Baby Kara gained another 3 ounces; now weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces. Her bili-level came down to an amazing 13.9 from a 17 yesterday. Dr. Brockett gave Papa Matt and Mama Lyanne strict orders to turn the lights off at midnight, and to have yet another follow-up appointment tomorrow morning.

Papa Matt and Mama Lyanne were also very excited to tell Dr. Brockett that baby Kara finally had a poopy diaper! It had been about a day and a half (almost 46 hrs) before the poopy diaper at 10pm last night! Each time baby Kara pooped, Papa Matt and Mama Lyanne cheered so excitedly, as if they were celebrating a party, because they were quite concerned about baby Kara not pooping as frequent as she should.

After the doctors appointment, Papa Matt brought Grandma (嫲嫲) to WalMart, Babies R Us, and 99 Ranch to do some shopping and grocery shopping, while mama Lyanne and baby Kara stayed home to rest. They found some bargain Orange Juice at the Super WalMart across from the Babies R Us.

After dinner, Grandma (嫲嫲) fed baby Kara before her nap.

Overall, today was a great day for the Wong family!

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